- Author
- Yasuoka, M. | Yoshida, K.
- Title
- International State of the Art Reports. TG17 Protection Against Electromagnetic Radiation.
- Coporate
- Science University of Tokyo, Japan Obayashi Corporation Research and Development Group of Electromagnetic Environment, Japan
- Report
- CIB Report Publication 258, [date unknonw], 272 p.
- Distribution
- For more information contact: CIB General Secretariat, P.O. 1837, 3000 BV Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Email: secretariat@cibworld.nl Website: http://www.cibworld.nl
- Keywords
- electromagnetic radiation | architecture | electromagnetic waves
- Abstract
- The recent development in the usage of electrical devices, electronic equipment and information tools have consequently increased the problems related to the radiation of electromagnetic waves inside buildings. Research in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) have become important for buildings researcher. This is why this Task Group has been set up within the framework of CIB as a means to bring together people involved in research into electromagnetic environment in buildings. As the activities of TG17, at the first step, the questionnaire was carried out to investigate the state of the arts and problems of electromagnetic environment in the architectural field in each country. After that, two meeting of TG17 were held to change information of each member with reference to EMC in buildings. This publication is compiled as the summarization of the activities of TG17. The main contents are shown as follows. [1] The state of problems of electromagnetic environment in architectural field. Examples of the problems: interference by electromagnetic radiation and reflection, interference of computer display by magnetic field. [2] The countermeasure for the interference. Examples of the countermeasure: electromagnetic shielding design methods, electromagnetic absorbing design method, avoiding methods for magnetic field. [3] Electromagnetic measuring methods in architectural field. Examples of the methods: new measuring method of electromagnetic transmission-loss, electromagnetic measuring method for shielding rooms. [4] Proposal of future perspectives for electromagnetic environment in architectural field. Electromagnetic compatibility in architectural field and ISO. [5] Pre-standardization of electromagnetic environment in architectural field.