FireDOC Search

Baroudi, D. | Jumppanen, U. M. | Ala-Outinen, T.
Menetelman NT FIRE 021 soveltaminen palosuojatun terasrakenteen mitoituksessa. [Use of Nordtest Method NT FIRE 021 for the Determination of Insulation Capacity of Steel Structures.]
VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland, Espoo
VTT Research Notes 1539; Project RTE4394, February 1994, 106 p.
steel structures | test methods | fire safety | fire tests | insulation | evaluation | thermal conductivity | thermal resistance | temperature | specifications
steel construction
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH The Nordtest method NT FIRE 021 for the determination of insulation system of insulation material for steel structures specifies a fire test method and a related analysis method of the test results. The standard deviation of the test results is calculated considering the characteristic thermal conductivity or the thermal resistance of the insulation of the steel structure. Using these thermal qualities the steel temperatures are calculated as a function of the thickness of insulation and the section factor of the steel structure and then the dimensioning tables of the insulation system are formed. The CEN-method intended to be used for examining the insulations of the steel structures is under process and it does not essentially differ from NT FIRE 021 method.