- Author
- Delichatsios, M. M. | Wu, P. | Delichatsios, M. A. | Lougheed, G. D. | Crampton, G. P. | Qian, C. | Ishida, H. | Saito, K.
- Title
- Effect of External Radiant Heat Flux on Upward Fire Spread: Measurements on Plywood and Numerical Predictions.
- Coporate
- Factory Mutual Research Corp., Norwood, MA National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario University of Kentucky, Lexington
- Book or Conf
- International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 4th International Symposium. July 13-17, 1994, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Kashiwagi, T., Editors, 421-432 p., 1994
- Keywords
- fire research | fire safety | fire science | fire spread | heat flux | plywood | pyrolysis | charring | small scale fire tests | large scale fire tests | heat release rate | surface temperature | mass loss