- Author
- Ohmiya, Y. | Hayashi, Y. | Yusa, S. | Delichatsios, M. A.
- Title
- Prediction Method for an External Flame Ejected From an Opening of a Building.
- Coporate
- Building Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
- Book or Conf
- Strategies for Performance in the Aftermath of the World Trade Center. CIB-CTBUH Conference on Tall Buildings. Proceedings. Task Group on Tall Buildings: CIB TG50. CIB Publication No. 290. October 20-23, 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Shafii, F.; Bukowski, R.; Klemencic, R., Editors, 473-481 p., 2003
- Keywords
- World Trade Center | high rise buildings | fire safety | safety engineering | heat release rate | heat flux | ventilation | controlled burning | fire hazard | enclosures | temperature profiles | flame height
- Identifiers
- World Trade Center (110-story-high) Towers, Manhattan, New York, September 11, 2001; external flame; ventilation controlled fire; how pyrolysing fuel burns inside the enclosure; extent of the flames outside the enclosure opening; heat fluxes tothe external wall; description of flow and fire regimes; flame height correlation for ventilation controlled conditions