FireDOC Search

Brown, A. L. | Dowding, K. J. | Hogan, R. E.
Fire Accident Safety Scenarios Employing Detailed Modeling and Simulation: A Case Study.
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Volume 2,
Book or Conf
Interflam 2007. (Interflam '07). International Interflam Conference, 11th Proceedings. Volume 2. September 3-5, 2007, London, England, 1581-1586 p., 2007
fire safety | safety engineering | accidents | scenarios | simulations | case histories | sampling | methodology | turbulence | wind velocity | heat flux
latin hypercube sampling methodology; Fuego, Dakota, and other scientific tools; large-scale wind turbulence intensity; maximum total heat flux to a section of a package; Representative Conservative Accident Scenario (RCAS); Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA); Quantification of Margins and Uncertainty (QMU); Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program; Fuego is a control volume finite element method (CVFEM) code; TFNS turbulence model; parameters and results