FireDOC Search

Choi, J. H. | Hwang, H. S. | Hong, W. H. | Choi, Y.
Analysis on Occupant's Escape Speed and Reason of Bottle-Neck Occurrence Through the Trial Evacuation Experiment at a High-Rise Apartment Housing.
Kyungpook National Univ., Buk-gu, Daegu, 702-701, South Korea
Book or Conf
Human Behavior in Fire. International Symposium, 4th. Proceedings. July 13-15, 2009, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, UK, 123-134 p., 2009
human behavior | World Trade Center | evacuation | evacuation time | high rise buildings | human response | occupants | occupant response | escape means | people movement | experiments | apartments | housing | time lag | fire statistics | time | data analysis | emergencies | human response | fire protection | building design | planning
World Trade Center (110-story-high) Towers, Manhattan, New York, September 11, 2001; Korea; change in personal evacuation speed; individual reaction; reason of bottle-neck or evacuation delay occurrence; nationwide fire statistics in Korea; fire occurrence analytical results (NEMA, 2007); site description and participants; procedure and data recording; occupants escape speed