- Author
- Tanaka, T. | Hagiwara, I. | Harada, K. | Ohmiya, Y. | Mizuno, M. | Yamaguchi, J. | Tomatsu, T.
- Title
- Performance-Based Fire Safety Design of a High-Rise Office Building.
- Coporate
- Kyoto University, Japan Building Research Inst., Ibaraki, Japan Science University of Tokyo, Chiba, Japan Nihon Sekkei Inc., Tokyo, Japan
- Book or Conf
- Pacific Rim Conference and Second (2nd) International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods. Proceedings. International Code Council and the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). May 3-9, 1998, International Code Council, Birmingham, AL, Maui, HI, 1-12 p., 1998
- Keywords
- performance based codes | fire safety | high rise buildings | office buildings | evacuation | fire spread | acceptance criteria | scenarios | time | escape means | smoke | temperature distribution | temperature
- Identifiers
- control of fire spread towards upper floors; structural fire resistance; objective/functional terms associated with this case study; calculation results of escape start time; calculation results of escape movement time in fire rooms; calculaiton results of escape movement time in fire floor; calculation results of escape movement time in total building; smoke filling time; required air flow rate to keep the corridor smoke free during floor evacuation; verification of acceptance for fire spread to upper floors; required insulation thickness (calcium silicate board)