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Gross, J. L. | Heckert, N. A. | Lechner, J. A. | Simiu, E.
Study of Optimal Extreme Wind Estimation Procedures.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD
Book or Conf
Indian Society for Wind Engineering. Sponsored by University of Roorkee, New Delhi. International Association for Wind Engineering. State of the Art in Wind Engineering. Volume 1. Proceedings. International Conference on Wind Engineering, 9th. Davenport Sixtieth Birth Anniversary Volume. January 9-13, 1995, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, India, New Delhi, India, 69-80 p., 1995
wind velocity | building technology | estimation procedures | extreme value theory | extreme value theory | monte carlo simulation | wind engineering
We describe work aimed at improving procedures for the estimation of non-tornadic extreme wind speeds, regardless of their direction, in regions not subjected to hurricanes. Using the Generalized ParetoDistribution (GPD) approach and the Conditional MeanExceedance (CME) estimation method, we analyze 115 17-year to 52-year sets of largest annual speeds and sets drawn from 48 15-year to 26-year records of maximum daily wind speeds. Based on this analysis we attempt an assessment of the widely held belief that the Gumbel distribution with site-dependent location and scale parameters is a universal model of extreme wind speeds. Some of our results suggest that the reverse Weibull distribution is a more appropriate model. This would result in more reasonable estimates of wind-induced failure probabilities and wind load factors than the corresponding estimates based on the Gumbel distribution. However, our assessment is so far only tentative owing to uncertainties inherent in our results. Future work based on lower thresholds (larger data samples) and alternative estimation methods is planned.