FireDOC Search

Vandevelde, P. | VanHees, P.
Full Scale Fire Tests on PVC Floor Coverings in a Room Corridor Rig and Comparison With Small Scale Tests.
University of Gent, Belgium
floor coveringstion | large scale fire tests | polyvinyl chloride | corridors | small scale fire tests | radiant panel test method | cone calorimeters | flame spread | fire hazard | fire safety
ISO 9239 Radiant Panel test; ISO 5660 Cone Calorimetry
Results of 5 different floor coverings (including 4 PVC floor coverings) are given when tested in a full scale room corridor test rig where it is assumed to obtain a wind aided surface spread of flame. Comparisons with traditional small scale tests such as the radiant flooring panel and the Cone Calorimeter are made in order to investigate their ability to predict wind aided surface spread of flame.