FireDOC Search

Fahy, R. F.
Available Data and Input Into Models.
National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA
NIST SP 1032, January 2005,
Book or Conf
Workshop on Building Occupant Movement During Fire Emergencies. Proceedings. Session 4.3. June 10-11, 2004, Gaithersburg, MD, Peacock, R. D.; Kuligowski, E. D., Editors, 62-67 p., 2005
occupants | people movement | emergencies | human behavior | evacuation | experiments | education | training
overview of evacuation models; types of data needed for models; sources of data; research needs; barriers to improved collection and use of data
There is a need for better data to improve our knowledge of human behavior in fire. This data can be used in the development and refinement of evacuation models and in the use of such models. Once collected, human behavior data must be published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. A central repository should be created to store the data in a format that enhances its use by researchers, fire safety engineers and the regulatory community. The data collection itself must be adequately funded. We need a coordinated effort to collect this sort of information, rather than ad hoc projects when major incidents occurs. Valuable time can be lost in the pursuit and processing of funding. One important method for collecting this data is post-incident surveys and interviews. Although there are some disadvantages to this technique, it provides valuable insight into actions and behaviors in real-life emergencies.