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Parks, E. J.
Evaluation of Archival Stability of Copies from Representative Office Copying Machines. Interim Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
National Archives and Records Service, Washington, DC
NBSIR 74-498, April 1974, 66 p.
Limited Distribution Available from National Technical Information Services
Information has been developed on the stability of papers used in preparing copy on office copying machines as well as stability of images formed by representative quick copy processes. Retention of physical properties after accelerated aging according to ASTM Method D776 was used as one criterion of probable stability. Acidity as measured by ASTM Method D778 also was used as a criterion of potential stability. Abrasion resistance of the image after exposure to a xenon arc and after accelerated aging according to ASTM D776 was used as a criterion of stability of image. Representative papers made especially for specific copying machines, and representative copies from these machines, were used in the testing program. Suggested specifications for copies for permanent records, based on the data developed in this report, are presented.