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International Code Council
International Existing Building Code 2009.
International Code Council, Falls Church, VA
AVAILABLE FROM: International Code Council, Inc., 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 708, Falls Church, VA 22041-3401. Telephone: 703-931-4533, Fax: 703-379-1546, Website: Visit: for complete subscription information and free downloads of FEMA documents
Book or Conf
International Existing Building Code 2009. Published in cooperation with Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., International Conference of Building Officials and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., International Code Council, Falls Church, VA, 2009
building codes | fire codes | classifications | occupants | historic buildings | construction | standards | masonry | walls | earthquakes | reinforced concretes | residential buildings | fire ratings | concretes
administration; definitions; classification of work; repairs; alternations; change of occupancy; additions; relocated or moved buildings; compliance alternatives; guidelines for the seismic retrofit of existing buildings (GSREB); earthquake hazard reduction in existing reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry wall buildings with flexible diaphragms; prescriptive provisions for seismic strengthening of cripple walls and sill plate anchorage of light, wood-frame residential buildings; earthquake hazard reduction in existing wood-frame residential buildings with soft, weak or open-front walls; earthquake hazard reduction in existing concrete buildings and concrete with masonry infill buildings; supplementary accessibility requirements for existing buildings and facilities; guidelines on fire ratings of archaic materials and assemblies
Contains requirements intended to encourage the uses and reuse of existing buildings. The scope covers repair, alteration, addition and change of occupancy for existing buildings and historic buildings, while achieving appropriate levels of safety without requiring full compliance with the new construction requirements in the building code.