- Author
- Kraus, F. J.
- Title
- Integral Measurement Procedures for Determining Particle Size in Aerosols. Final Report.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- NBSIR 76-1037, May 1976, 37 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Book or Conf
- Institute for Electronics Communication Technology of the Rheinish-Westfalian Technical College, Aachen. Colloquium on Aerosol Measurement Techniques. March 4, 1975, Aachen, West Germany, 45-58 p., 1976
- Keywords
- aerosols | ionization chambers | light scattering | smoke detectors | test methods
- Abstract
- In assessing the performance of smoke detectors in the laboratory, it is necessary to have standardized smoke measurement devices which function according to the same principles as the smoke detectors under test. In developing these measurement devices, a need exists to determine, as precisely as possible, the effects of the smoke characteristics on the measurement devices. This paper presents the correlation between smoke characteristics and comparative measuring devices important in smoke detector test work and how these measuring devices also can be used as aerosol measuring devices.