- Author
- Simiu, E.
- Title
- Estimation of Extreme Wind Speeds.
- Coporate
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD
- Book or Conf
- Indian Society for Wind Engineering. Sponsored by University of Roorkee, New Delhi. International Association for Wind Engineering. State of the Art in Wind Engineering. Volume 1. Proceedings. International Conference on Wind Engineering, 9th. Davenport Sixtieth Birth Anniversary Volume. January 9-13, 1995, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, India, New Delhi, India, 109-123 p., 1995
- Keywords
- wind velocity | building technology | climatology | extreme value theory | statistics | wind engineering | wind loads
- Abstract
- Extreme wind loads used in design include nominal design wind loads (e.g., the 50-yr wind load) and ultimate wind loads. This paper briefly reviews the relationship between extreme wind loads and extreme wind speeds, assessments of epochal versus 'peak-over-threshold' approaches for estimating extreme non-tornadic winds in areas not subjected to tropical storms, and methods for estimating extremes from short records. Also reviewed are wind direction effects, and the estimation of extreme winds due to tropical cyclones (hurricanes) and tornadoes. We point out uncertainties due to model shortcomings and insufficient data, safety concerns due to current inconsistent uses of reliability concepts, and the implications of these concerns for code writing.