FireDOC Search

Phan, L. T. | Carino, N. J.
Review of Mechanical Properties of HSC at Elevated Temperature.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, 58-64, February 1998
concretes | compressive strength | elastic moduli | spalling | fire tests | high strength concrete | test methods | temperature | mechanical properties
High Strength concrete (HSC)
A compilation of experimental results on the mechanical properties of concrete when exposed to rapid heating as in a fire are presented. Emphasis is placed on concretes with high original compressive strengths, that is, high-strength concretes (HSCs). The compiled test data were categorized by the test methods and the types of aggregate used and compared for behavioral differences. The comparison revealed distinc difference in mechanical properties of HSC and normal-strength concrete (NSC) in the range between room temperature and approximately 450 deg C. The differences narrowed at temperature above 450 deg C. Also presented is a comparison of these test results with existing code provisions on the effects of elevated temperature on concrete strength. It is shown that the Eurocode provisions and the Comites Euro-International Du Beton (CEB) design curves are more applicable to NSC than to HSC. In fact, these provisions are unsafe when compared with HSC test results. The study showed a lack of experimental data for lightweight HSC and HSC heated under a constant preload to simulate the stress conditions in HSC columns.