- Author
- Hoffmann, D.
- Title
- Analysis of Toxic Smoke Constituents.
- Coporate
- American Health Foundation, Valhalla, NY
- Sponsor
- Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC
- Report
- Volume 5, August 1993,
- Distribution
- Available from U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC 20207
- Contract
- CPSC-S-92-5473
- Keywords
- cigarettes | toxic gases | smoke | smoking | gas phases
- Identifiers
- tobacco smoke; particulate matter; analysis of individual smoke constituents
- Abstract
- The chemical analytical evaluation of several key constituents of cigarette smoke is a useful predictor of potential toxic and/or tumorigenic activity of the combustion products of cigarettes. This chapter describes the methodology for the determination of select known toxic and tumorigenic agents in tobacco smoke as well as the standardized analytical procedures that can be applied to the evaluation of the vapor phase and particulate matter of cigarette smoke.