- Author
- Su, J. | Gaw, R. | Richardson, K. | Taber, B. | Carpenter, D.
- Title
- Smoke Detectors in Prison Cells.
- Journal
- Fire Protection Engineering, No. 32, 42,44,46, Fall 2006
- Report
- NRCC 47651,
- Keywords
- smoke detectors | prisons | oxygen concentration | fire losses | correctional facilities | experiments | temperature | optical density | carbon monoxide | carbon dioxide | mattresses | bedding | fire tests
- Identifiers
- extent of fire spread in Canadian Federal prison facilities 1995-2000; leading sources of material first ignited; fire sources for experiments; layout of experimental facility and instrumentation; experimental matrix; ceiling temperatures in cell; CO concentrations in cell; CO2 concentrations in cell; oxygen concentrations in cell; optical density measurements