- Author
- Alvares, N. J. | Foote, K.
- Title
- Contrast Between Natural and Experimentally Controlled Fires in Forced Ventilated Enclosures.
- Coporate
- Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA
- Report
- LA-9911-C-Vol. 1; LA-9911-C-Vol. 2; CSNI No. 83; UCRL-88588, October 1983,
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Book or Conf
- CSNI Specialist Meeting on Interaction of Fire and Explosion With Ventilation Systems in Nuclear Facilities. Volume 1 and Volume 2. April 25-28, 1983, Los Alamos, NM, 335-376 p., 1983
- Keywords
- ventilation | enclosures | fire models | fire suppression | fuel geometry | fire duration | fuel flow rate
- Identifiers
- natural or controlled fires