FireDOC Search

Fischer, S. | Forsen, R. | Hertzberg, O. | Jacobsson, A. | Koch, B. | Runn, P. | Thaning, L. | Winter, S.
Vadautslapp av brandfarliga och giftiga gaser och vatskor. [Toxic and Inflammable/Explosive Chemicals: A Swedish Manual for Risk Assessment.]
National Defence Research Establishment, Stockholm, Sweden
FOA-D-95-00099-4.9-SE, March 1995, 323 p.
toxic hazards | gas explosions | risk assessment | thermal radiation | manuals | emergency plans | safety
gas release; gas dispersion; heat radiation; environmental impact
[ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH] FOA has in a 3 year project elaborated a manual in Swedish for prediction of consequences after release of dangerous materials in the open. The manual is intended to be an instrument in risk assessment and emergency planning concerning storage, transportation and other handling of toxic, inflammable or explosive chemicals, mainly gases. The work has been sponsored by the Swedish National Rescue Services Board and the Swedish Work Environment Fund. The manual contains calculation methods concerning: (1) release and dispersion at different conditions; (2) toxic hazards, both acute on people and long term on environment; and (3) characterization of explosion pressure, heat radiation and effects on people and structures. Also treated in the manual is the important subject of probabilities. Furthermore organizational and administrative measures concerning safety routines in chemical industries are discussed in the manual. The manual can be used by engineers working with safety matters in the process industry. A great deal of effort has been put into the work to make the manual easily understandable also to non specialists.