FireDOC Search

Dillon, S. E. | Janssens, M. L. | Hirschler, M. M.
Using the Cone Calorimeter as a Screening Tool for the NFPA 265 and NFPA 286 Room Test Procedures.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Rockville, MD North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh GBH International, Mill Valley, CA
Book or Conf
Fire and Materials 2001. 7th International Conference and Exhibition. Proceedings. Interscience Communications Limited. January 22-24, 2001, San Antonio, TX, 527-539 p., 2001
cone calorimeters | NFPA 265 | NFPA 286 | room burns | data sets | data analysis | smoke | corner tests | flashover | heat release rate | smoke production
data for flashover indicator analysis; total smoke release