FireDOC Search

Lonnermark, A. | Stripple, H. | Rosen, B. | Haeger-Eugensson, M. | Axelsson, J. | Anderson-Skold, Y. | Cousins, A. P. | Simonson, M.
Emissions From Fires: Methods, Models and Measurements.
SP Technical Research Institute, Sweden IVL Swedish Environmental Institute SGI Swedish Geotechnical Institute
Volume 2,
Book or Conf
Interflam 2007. (Interflam '07). International Interflam Conference, 11th Proceedings. Volume 2. September 3-5, 2007, London, England, 1625-1630 p., 2007
smoke | toxicity | emissions | environmental effects | methodology | scenarios | contamination | experiments | fire tests | fire models | dispersions | ventilation
environmental impact of fires; description and modelling of the fire scenario; modeling of the production of emissions; modeling of spread of emissions as well as contaminant fate; emissions and distribution of individual substances in air, soil and wate; temporary stored goods before recycling, dismantling or combustion of used products; electrical and electronics waste (EE waste); used tires; emitted substances; dispersion of air emissions; The Air Pollution Model (TAPM); ALOFT-FT (A Large Outdoor Fire plume Trajectory model - Flat Terrain); propagation of emissions in soil and water; Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)