- Author
- Loikkanen, P. | Mangs, J.
- Title
- [Investigation on the Operation and Safe Use of a Flashover Simulator for the Training of Fire Departments.]
- Coporate
- Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
- Report
- Research Report PAL1166/91, June 18, 1991, 70 p.
- Keywords
- fire departments | flashover | training | safety | simulators | model studies | propane | wood | particle boards | gas temperature | surface temperature | temperature transducers | heat flux | pressure | gas analysis | construction
- Abstract
- Investigation on the operation and safe use of flashover simualtor for the training of fire brigades. The properties and operating conditions have been measured in this investigation through practical tests. The safe opening range of the simulator has been determined from the results and based on this, a proposal for a suitable instructor's guide has been drawn up. A miniature model of the flashover simulator has also been built, which has been used for producing a demonstration video tape on the gas fire and flashover phenomena.