- Author
- Vodvarka, F. J.
- Title
- Firebrand Field Studies. Final Report. May 24, 1968-August 23, 1969.
- Coporate
- IIT Research Inst., Chicago, IL
- Sponsor
- Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC
- Report
- IITRI-J6148-FR, September 1969, 106 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- N00228-68-C-2686
- Keywords
- fire brands | residential buildings | plastics | structures | siding
- Abstract
- Five residential structures were burned and their fire brand production was sampled by distributing plastic sheets downwind from the structures. Hot brands melted the plastic to leave holes showing their profiles in the sheet. The holes were then traced onto paper and their areas measured with a planimeter. Three of the structures were standard frame construction with wood siding. The fourth was asphalt siding applied over sheet rock which covered the original shiplap. The fifth structure was a brick veneer over a wood frame. All five structures were burned under light and variable wind conditions.