- Author
- Ray, D. R. | Zamula, W. W. | Miller, T. R. | Brigham, P. A. | Cohen, M. A. | Douglass, J. B. | Galbraith, M. S. | Lestina, D. C. | Nelkin, V. S. | Pindus, N. M. | Smith-Regojo, P.
- Title
- Societal Costs of Cigarette Fires. Volume 6.
- Coporate
- Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC National Public Services Research Institute
- Report
- Volume 6, August 1993, 173 p.
- Keywords
- cigarettes | costs | injuries | ignition | burns (injuries) | case histories
- Identifiers
- societal costs of cigarette ignited fires; costs to society of cigarette fire injuries; experiences of burn survivors
- Abstract
- The Fire Safe Cigarette Act of 1990 ("the Act") prescribes a number of tasks for the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Section 2(b)(2) of the Act directs the Commission to "develop information on the societal costs of cigarette-ignited fires." This report provides a summary of the estimated costs of deaths, injuries and property damage resulting from structural fires started with smoking materials. These are the costs most likely to be significantly affected by action to reduce the ignition propensity of commercial cigarettes. As noted in the discussion below, there are other costs associated with fires and fire safety, but those costs are less directly related to cigarette-ignited fires. [*] This is one of six volumes in the Final Report, Fire Safe Cigarette Act of 1990. VOLUME 1. Overview: Practicability of Developing a Performance Standard to Reduce Cigarette Ignition Propensity by Jones-Smith, J., et al. VOLUME 2. Test Methods for Quantifying the Propensity of Cigarettes to Ignite Soft Furnishings by Ohlemiller, T. J. VOLUME 3. Modeling the Ignition of Soft Furnishings by a Cigarette by Mitler, H. E., et al. VOLUME 4. Cigarette Fire Incident Study by Harwood, B., et al. VOLUME 5. Toxicity Testing Plan by Lee, B. C., et al.