FireDOC Search

Keltner, N.
European Travel Dealing With Fire Research. Foreign Travel Report. Trip Number 9301632.
Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM
DOE/FTR-93013714, May 1993, 9 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
fire research | arson | radioactive materials | fire models
Trip report for travel from March 28, 1993 to April 9, 1993. This trip involved visits to three locations: 1] INTERFLAM'93 Conference at Oxford University, Oxford, UK, to present a paper on 'High Temperature Accelerant Arsons'; 2] Atomic Energy Authority-Winfrith Technology Centre, Dorchester, Dorset, UK for discussions with Chris Fry, Impact, Fire, and Blast Department, related to testing of shipping contaienrs for radioactive materials; 3] Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), Trondheim, Norway to discuss advanced fire models. The principal contacts were Prof. Bjorn Magnussen, who heads the Division of Thermodynamics at NTH and Vern Nicolette, who is a Sandian on temporary assignment at NTH. Sandia is interested in the potential application of NTH's DAMELEON family of computer codes to a variety of fire safety studies. Toured their large fire test facilities which are near Trondheim. analyses (FHAs) be conducted for all nuclear and new facilities, with results for the latter incorporated into Title 1 design. For those facilities requiring safety analysis documentation, the FHA shall be documented in the Safety Analysis Reports (SARs). This paper provides an overview of the methodologies and codes being used to support FHAs at Sandia facilities, with emphasis on SARs.