FireDOC Search

Schlosser, H. E. | Wolfrum, J. | Ebert, V. | Williams, B. A. | Sheinson, R. S. | Fleming, J. W.
In Situ Determination of Molecular Oxygen Concentrations in Full-Scale Fire-Suppression Tests Using Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy.
Universita t Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
Book or Conf
Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 29th. Proceedings. Volume 29. Part 1. July 21-25, 2002, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Sapporo, Japan, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D., Editors, 353-360 p., 2002
combustion | fire suppression | large scale fire tests | oxygen concentration | laser absorption spectroscopy | scenarios | water mist | heptane | fire tests
Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS); water-suppressed fire test (spray, n-heptane); water-suppressed fire test (mist, n-heptane); water-suppressed fire test (spray, methanol); in situ O2 concentrations observed by TDLAS range between 8 and 21 vol %; in situ O2 measurement using TDLAS is a feasible and valuable tool for fire-suppression research