FireDOC Search

Aertel, B.
Umsetzung und Anwendung von Brandschutzerziehung in einem Flachenland-Beispiel Niedersachsen. [Realization and Use of Fire Protection Education in a Country of Considerable Square Dimension-Example Lower Saxonia.]
VFDB, 62-64, February 1993
education | fire protection | fire departments | schools
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH In former times fire protection education took place only by presenting the fire brigades to the public in cases of open-door-days or anniversaries. But fire protection education has to be presented by teachers in kindergardens and schools to children and pupils in a playful way. In Lower Saxonia fire fighters got special education by Referat 12 of vfdb as "care takers for school classes" to be able to contack kindergardens and schools and keep at hand prepared educational aids and special bags with teaching materials for primary school teachers and teachers of higher classes. After the education at school is done a visit at the local fire brigade station is useful at the end of term.