FireDOC Search

Gao, Y. | Yang, M. | Tian, N.
Dynamic Mathematical Model of Forest Fire Occurent Frequency.
Jilin Forest Institute, China
Fire Safety Science, Vol. 3, No. 2, 7-13, September 1994
forest fires | mathematical models | environmental effects | equations | rainfall
ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH According to large statistical data of historical forest fire examples, the probability function to be obtained of forest fire occurrent frequency obey the Poisson distribution. The parameter is an average of per day forest fire happened. The quantitites of per day forest fire have a well correlation to rainfall in the day, highest temperature, minimum relative humidity, maximum wind speed, per day evaporation and sunshine hours. So the mathematical relative equations are established. The parameter received from the practical measured six factors. A new idea (or method) is provided for forest fire forecast.