- Author
- Liang, Z. | Bauwens, L.
- Title
- Detonation Structure With Pressure-Dependent Chain-Branching Kinetics.
- Coporate
- Calgary Univ., Canada
- Book or Conf
- Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 30th. Proceedings. Volume 30. Part 2. July 25-30, 2004, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Chicago, IL, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D.; Barlow, R. S.; Yetter, R. A., Editors, 1879-1887 p., 2005
- Keywords
- combustion | kientics | detonation | pressure | stability | numerical simulation | reaction models | formulation | equations | detonation waves
- Identifiers
- cell structure; detonations with a four-step chain-branching reaction model; Zeldovich-von Neumann-Döring (ZND) model; linear stability