- Author
- Berlin, G. N.
- Title
- Defensible Technique for Determining Code Equivalency in Buildings.
- Coporate
- National Fire Protection Association, Boston, MA
- Sponsor
- Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC
- Report
- NBS SP 552,
- Distribution
- Available from Government Printing Office
- Contract
- PROJECT-NO.-H-2316
- Book or Conf
- National Bureau of Standards. Research and Innovation in the Building Reulatory Process. 3rd Annual NBS/NCSBCS Joint Proceedings Conference. In Conjuction with the 11th Annual Meeting of the National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards, Inc. September 12, 1978, National Bureau of Standards, Annapolis, MD, Cooke, P. W., Editors, 13-28 p., 1979
- Keywords
- building fires | evaluation | fire safety | models | research | standards