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Godette, M. | Post, M. | Campbell, P. G.
Graffiti Removers: Evaluation and Preliminary Selection Criteria. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC
NBSIR 75-914, December 1975,
Available from National Technical Information Service
paints removers; buildings; cleaning; performance evaluation; spray paintsing; markers; construction materials; concretes; bricks; solvents; criteria; compatibility; spreading; flammability | limestone | clay | flash point
The vandalous use of spray paints and other marking materials to deface the surfaces of buildings has increased tremendously in the last decade. These markings, commonly known as 'graffiti', are unsightly and expensive to remove. A program was undertaken to determine the performance of graffiti removers so that performance criteria for selection of these types of materials could be recommended. The results of laboratory tests of removal efficiency, range of effectiveness, remover-substrate compatibility, migration (spreading), and flash point are presented. From the results obtained, tentative criteria for selection of graffiti removers are recommended. The marking materials (graffiti) used were spray paints of major generic types, crayon and felt-tip pen markers. The substrates used were clay brick, ceramic tile, limestone, sandstone, aluminum and wood. Ninety-nine commercial materials which are marketed for use as graffiti removers were used in the study. This report is on the removal of marking materials from brick. The results showed that all markings can be removed with a high degree of effectiveness. No single remover was effective on all markings, but a set of five selected removers used in sequence, was effective against all.