FireDOC Search

Natsume, Y. | Koseki, H. | Tsuruda, T. | Takahashi, T. | Hirano, T.
Large Scale Crude Oil Fire Experiments: Outline and Procedure of the Experiments.
Tomakomai Tobu Oil Storage Co., Ltd., Japan National Research Institute of fire and Disaster, Japan National Oil Corporation, Japan Tokyo Univ., Japan
Book or Conf
U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Fire Research and Safety. 14th Joint Panel Meeting. Proceedings. May 28-June 3, 1998, ['Tsukuba, Japan', 'Tokyo, Japan'], 264-272 p., 1998
fire safety | crude oil | experiments | tank fires | oil spills | specifications | leakage | extinguishing | thickness | weather effects
disaster mode, simulation model and experiments; characteristics of test crude oil; leakage experiments; burjning experiments; fire resistant effect experiment of air foam