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Sacco, K. | Galletto, V. | Blanzieri, E.
How Has the 9/11 Terrorist Attack Influenced Decision Making?
University of Turin, Italy University of Trento, Italy
Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1113-1127, November/December 2003
World Trade Center | terrorists | terrorism | decision making | economic factors | validation | time | adults | experiments
World Trade Center (110-story-high) Towers, Manhattan, New York, September 11, 2001; economic decision making following the terrorist attacks; Prospect Theory (PT); validation of prospecttheory over time and countries; probability weighting; comparison of the results of Lauriola (2000) with CPT previsions, sums converted in dollars using the 1999 exchange rate (1 USD=1564 ITL); problems used in experiment 1; expected values and cumulative prospect theory previsions for the tasks of Experiment 1, sums converted using the average exchange rate of SeptemberOctober 2001 (EUR=0863 USD=1936.27 ITL); Experiment 1: Percentages of responses for each of the alternatives in problems 1 and 2, 3 and 4; sample of one hundred adults aged between 18 and 45 years old (mean age=23.8, standard deviation=4.62) was tested; problems used in experiment 2; expected values and cumulative prospect theory previsions for the tasks of experiment 2, sums converted using the average exchange rate of January February 2002 (EUR=0.877 USD=1936.27 ITL); experiment 2: percentages of responses for each of the alternatives in problems 1 and 2, 9 and 10; experiment 2: percentages of responses for each of the alternatives in problems 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8