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Dubovik, V. I.
Smoke Protection of Multi-Story Buildings. Digest of Papers. [ONLY TITLE IN ENGLISH]
Book or Conf
Smoke Protection of Multi-Story Buildings. Digest of Papers, Dubovik, V. I., Editors, 78 p., 1976
stairwells | office buildings | corridors | residential buildings | high rise buildings | pressurization | parameters | construction materials | enclosures
Examined in this collection of papers is the process of heat and gas transfer in the fire-floor corridor, the optical properties of smoke and the smoke-generating capacity of building materials. An experimental system is described, a section of a high-rise building, for studying the smoke protection of highrises. Schemes for the smoke protection of high-rise administrative buildings are offered. The collection is intended for fire protection and safety engineers, as well as for designers and architects employed in the field of public and residential building construction.