- Author
- Lougheed, G. D. | Hadjisophocleous, G. V. | McCartney, C. | Taber, B. C.
- Title
- Large-Scale Physical Model Studies for an Atrium Smoke Exhaust System.
- Coporate
- National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
- Journal
- ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 105, No. Part 1, 676-698, 1999
- Report
- NRCC-42570; CH-99-8-2; RP-899,
- Distribution
- FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R6, Telephone (613) 993-2607, Fax: (613) 952-7673, Email: Irc.Client-Services@nrc.ca Website: http://www.nrc.ca/irc/ircpubs FULL DOCUMENT IN PDF: http://irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/fulltext/nrcc42570/
- Book or Conf
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE). Winter Meeting, 1999. Proceedings. Technical and Symposium Papers. 1999, ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, 1999
- Keywords
- atria | exhaust systems | effectiveness | test facilities | steady state | large scale fire tests | temperature | smoke production | heat release rate | smoke layers
- Identifiers
- smoke exhaust; steady clear height with upper-layer mechanical exhaust; steady-state design fires; physical modeling; smoke interface heights; large-scale physical model studies; plugholing