- Author
- Salzberg, F.
- Title
- Fire Department Operations Analysis. Final Report.
- Coporate
- IIT Research Inst., Chicago, IL
- Sponsor
- Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC
- Report
- IITRI Project J6163; OCD Work Unit 2522F; Final Report, June 1970, 48 p.
- Contract
- DAHC20-70-C-0208
- Keywords
- fire departments | operations research | fire fighting | water | fire suppression | fire extinguishment | fire data
- Identifiers
- data on fire department operations in New York and White Plains, New York; Los Angeles and Buena Park, California; water quantities, control times and manpower used in suppressing fires
- Abstract
- Fire department operations were studied in New York, New York, White Plains, New York, Los Angeles, California and Buena Park, California. The study was performed using data on ten fires in each city. Correlations were developed involving water application, time and manpower required for suppressing various sizes of structural fires. Results were compared with fire department operations within the Chicago Metropolitan Area that were determined in other studies.