FireDOC Search

McIlhagger, R. | Hill, B. J. | Brown, A. J.
Effect of Oxygen on Smoke Propagation.
Ulster Univ., Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Book or Conf
International Conference on Flammability. INTERFLAM '85. Conference Workbook. March 26-28, 1985, Guildford, England, 122-128 p., 1985
smoke propagation | oxygen index
This paper examines the influence of oxygen on the generation of smoke from burning polystyrene sheet. The analysis was performed using a Staton Redcroft HFTA linked to a Stanton Redcroft FTB Smoke box. The results show that as the oxygen level was increased from the Critical Oxygen Index for the material, there was not only the expected increase in the rate of burn with an increase in the rate to complete obscuration but also the smoke build-up time and the time to maximum obscuration decreased rapidly initially, followed by a more slow decrease from oxygen levels of 1% above the COI. A preliminary analysis of soot deposited at three different stations in the system was made and it is concluded that at higher oxygen levels more soot is deposited at all levels but, more significantly, the particle size of the soot increased with oxygen level.