- Author
- McAlevy, R. F., III | Blazowski, W. S.
- Title
- Surface Pyrolysis Boundary Condition for the Combustion of Polymers.
- Coporate
- Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
- Report
- NBS SP 357,
- Distribution
- Available from Government Printing Office
- Book or Conf
- National Bureau of Standards. Mechanisms of Pyrolysis, Oxidation, and Burning of Organic Materials. 4th Proceedings of the Materials Research Symposium. October 26-29, 1970, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Wall, L. A., Editors, 185-192 p., 1972
- Keywords
- pyrolysis | oxidation | combustion | diffusion flames | surface heat | radiant heating | self-heating | convection | surface temperature | temperature measurements | heat flux | thermal degradation
- Identifiers
- rapid heating; surface pyrolysis