- Author
- Tesson, M. | Lavedrine, S.
- Title
- Integration of Human Behavior in the Improvement of Safety in French Road Tunnels.
- Coporate
- Centre d'etudes des tunnels (CETU), France
- Book or Conf
- Human Behavior in Fire: Public Fire Safety - Professionals in Partnership. International Symposium, 3rd. Proceedings. September 1-3, 2004, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Belfast, N. Ireland, 249-256 p., 2004
- Keywords
- human behavior | fire safety | decision making | tunnels | regulations | training | structures | escape means | resuce | rescue operations | evaluation
- Identifiers
- safety in tunnels of the French road network; behavior of the operator and the user; operator and the user in case of incident; actual behavior of the various actors involved via the lessons; improving and maintaining the expertise of the operators