FireDOC Search

Hull, M. K. | O'Dell, C. A. | Schroeder, M. J.
Critical Fire Weather Patterns: Their Frequency and Levels of Fire Danger.
Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC
OCD-PS-65-27, 1966, 54 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
weather effects | fire danger | mass fires | climate
Weather is one of the dominant factors responsible for uncontrollable spread of mass fires in both urban and rural areas. Identification of the weather types causing critical burning conditions in 14 continuous regions of the United States was the subject of the previous report. But to be of much practical value, knowing what the critical weather types are and where they influence burning conditions adversely is not enough. We must also know when they will occur and the type of weather and burning conditions that can be expected. This study is a step in that direction.