- Author
- Gupta, A. K. | Yadav, P. K.
- Title
- SAFE-R: A New Model to Study the Evacuation Profile of a Building.
- Coporate
- Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee 247667 (UA), India
- Journal
- Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 39, No. 7, 539-556, October 2004
- Keywords
- evacuation | egress | mathematical models | people movement | occupants | algorithms | time | equations
- Identifiers
- EVACNET+; Adequate numbers of Safe and Accessible Fire Escape-Routes (SAFE-R); dynamic capacity (DC); time period (TP); traversal time of an arc/branch (TT); total traversal time of a path (TTT); number of evacuees (XF); paths identified by SAFE-R model; building evacuation profile; most utilized paths for each source node; comparison between the models (number of evacuees at each time step)