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Lo, S. M. | Deng, Z. M.
Study on the Exit Requirements in Karaoke Establishments.
Chapter 9,
Book or Conf
Evacuation From Fires. Volume 2. Chapter 9. Applied Fire Science in Transition Series, Baywood Publishing Co. Inc., Amityville, NY, DeCicco, P. R., Editors, 151-161 p., 2002
evacuation | exits | building fires | fire fatalities | equations | simulation | corridors | egress
state space modeling technique; schematic diagram show a typical arrangement of karaoke; influence diagram for the evacuation process in karaoke establishments; OET for different corridor and staircase lobby width; OET (time required for all the people of the corridor size on the overall escape time, regarded as one of the efficiency of an exit system); OET for different reaction times with respect to different corridor width