- Author
- Sultan, M. A.
- Title
- Fall-Out of Gypsum Plasterboard in Fire.
- Coporate
- National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
- Report
- NRCC-50098,
- Book or Conf
- Structures in Fire (SiF 2008), 5th International Conference. Proceedings. May 28-30, 2008, Singapore, 644-655 p., 2008
- Keywords
- plasterboard | gypsum | gypsum board | experiments | temperature | fire resistance tests | ASTM E 119 | wood | steels | insulation | floors | temperature rise | instruments | statistical analysis
- Identifiers
- floor assemblies; design details and gypsum board fall-off time; comparison of observed fall-off and time of sudden temperature rise; temperature failure criteria for gypsum board
- Abstract
- This paper presents and discusses the results of an attempt that was made to determine the gypsum board fall-off temperature criterion from 80 full-scale fire resistance tests conducted at the National Research Council of Canada in accordance with ULC-S101/ASTM E119 standard fire exposure using floor assemblies constructed with wood joist, wood-I joist, steel C joist and wood truss; protected with either one or two layers of Type X gypsum board and with and without insulation in the floor cavity. The proposed temperature criterion is based on the sudden temperature rise on the back side of the fire exposed gypsum board that is caused by either the board fall-off or board sagging. Statistical analysis of the gypsum board fall-off temperature is presented. A comparison of the fall-off time based on the temperature criterion and observed board fall-off from fire resistance tests is also presented.