FireDOC Search

Fingas, M. | Ackerman, F. | Wang, Z. | Li, K. | Lambert, P. | Bissonnette, M. | Sergy, G. | Jokuty, P. | Laroche, N. | Mullin, J. V. | Hannon, L. | Turpin, R. | Campagna, P. | Hiltabrand, R. | Aurand, D.
In-Situ Burn Studies: The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment and Further Research.
Environment Canada, Ontario Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, NJ Coast Guard, Groton, CT Marine Spill Response Corp., Washington, DC
Book or Conf
Oil Spill Research and Development Forum, Second (2nd) International. Fostering International Co-Operative Research. Proceedings. Volume 2. May 23-26, 1995, 465-471 p., 1995
oil spills | in situ burning | experiments | flameproofing | sampling | sensors | emissions
need for an offshore burn; Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment (NOBE)