- Author
- Building Research Institute
- Coporate
- Building Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan
- Report
- BRI Proceeding No. 3,
- Book or Conf
- Collaboration Research Activities Between JRC-ISIS (Joint Research Centre-Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety) and JBRI (Japan Building Research Institute). Management Panel, 3rd. Proceedings. March 12-13, 1998, Tsukuba, Japan, Inukai, M., Editors, 281 p., 1998
- Keywords
- seismic design | earthquakes | building design | building materials | structures | structural systems | performance evaluation | structural engineering | test methods | building construction | building codes | reinforced concretes | construction materials | historic buildings | steel structures | mechanical properties
- Abstract
- The collaboration between the Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety of Joint Research Centre, EUROPEAN UNION (JRC-ISIS) and the Building Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, JAPAN (JBRl) was initiated in the discussion on 3 March 1992 at the field of the large scale structural testing method. The research results and technical information at the field have been exchanged each other by delivery of some research staffs and by using the mails. The experience on the occasion of the big earthquake at Kobe in 17 January 1995, forced us understand the necessity of closer cooperation on the overall field of seismic engineering. Being processed some negotiation, we concluded to start the cooperation of the research activities on the extended fields, i.e., the five new research items, on 22 November 1995 at Ispra in Italy. (ITEM 1): Comparison of the seismic performance of building structures designed according to the current European and Japanese Norms (comparison), (ITEM 2): Development and validation of new design methods based on performance concepts (performance concepts), (ITEM 3): Study of seismic action, such as impulsive type of ground motion in nearsource areas or long-duration long-period motion in the far field over soft soil (seismic action), (ITEM 4): Study of the concepts of base isolation and seismic response control for building structures (base isolation), (ITEM 5): Vulnerability assessment, repair and strengthening of existing building structures (repair), (ITEM 6): Development of large scale experimental method (pseudo dynamic). The 1st Management Panel on Collaboration Research Activities between ISIS-JRC and JBRI was held at Tsukuba, Japan in 22 and 23 April 1996. And 2nd Management Panel was held at Ispra, Italy in 24 and 25 March 1997. The 3rd Management Panel on Collaboration Research Activities between ISIS-JRC and JBRI was held in 12 and 13 March 1998. The past activities related to the collaboration research were confirmed and the future plans of the collaboration works were made. This proceeding is a record of the 3rd Management Panel.