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Kitagawa, Y. | Hasemi, Y. | Itoigawa, E. | Tamura, M. | Mukai, A. | Kawai, N. | Inukai, M.
Survey Report of Hokkaido South-West Off Earthquake. July 12, 1993.
Building Research Inst., Tokyo, Japan
Kenchiku Kenkyu Shiryo, No. 82, 1-130, January 1994
earthquakes | statistics | damage | surveys
*[ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH]* BRI dispatched expert staffs in earthquake engineering, structural engineering, fire and urban disaster for the investigation of the July 12, 1993 Hokkaido South-West Off Earthquake. This report describes its major investigation results on the earthquake, its damage and related informations in the following eight parts. Part 1: Introduction - General information on the investigation such as the team members and schedules are given; Part 2: Seismological Data and Strong Earthquake Motions - Seismological data and observations of strong earthquake motions are described. The seismological data include seismic fault mechanism, magnitude, and epicenter. Report of the strong earthquake motions includes observed peak-value records at various North-Japan districts and estimated strength of the vibration at Okushiri Island where the damage was the most significant; Part 3: Statistics of the Damage and Life Losses - Summary of the damage to buildings and the life losses are summarized; Part 4: Geological and Geotechnical Data - Geological and geotechnical data of the damaged districts, Hokkaido South West and Okushiri Island are summarized; Part 5: Land Slides, Soil Liquefaction and Structural Damages - Structural damage in buildings and ground disaster such as land slide and soil liquefaction are summarized. Detail of these damages are also given on several local areas in Hokkaido South West and Okushiri Island; Part 6: City Fire in Aonae Wark, Okushiri - Damage, extent of the city fire which burnt almost 200 buildings in Aonae Ward, Okushiri Island, and fire fighting activities during the fire are reported. Analysis on the cause of fire spread is also given; Part 7: Other Damages - General Informations on such public damages as roads, railways, airports, ports life lines, rivers, educational function, and post are summarized from journalism and other sources. Reactions of the broadcasting and nuclear plants after the earthquake are also reported; Part 8: Administrative Reaction and Correspondence - Records of administrative reactions by the national and local governments after the earthquake including Earthquake-and Tsunami-Warning, and application of the Disaster Aid Law are given. The Annex provides information on the administrative systems and public services in Japan for the prevention of natural disasters, mass fires and industrial disasters, aid and restoration after such disasters.