- Author
- Benichou, N. | Proulx, G.
- Title
- Evaluation and Comparison of Different Installations of Photoluminescent Marking in Stairwells of a High Rise Building.
- Coporate
- National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
- Report
- NRCC-49230,
- Book or Conf
- Interflam 2007. (Interflam '07). International Interflam Conference, 11th Proceedings. Volume 1. September 3-5, 2007, London, England, 183-194 p., 2007
- Keywords
- stairwells | high rise building | photoluminescent | evaluation | installing | safety | occupants | evacuation | experiments | cameras | people movement | time | human behavior | comfort | emergencies | wayfinding | labelling | methodology | questionnaires | evacuation time | visibility | human response | human performance
- Identifiers
- PLM wayguidance emergency evacuation system; data gathering; experimental installation of the stairwells; limitation that could impede evacuation; action performed before starting evacuation; judgement of the visibility in the stairwell used; appreciation of wayguidance attributes in the stairwells; rating of the stairwells for each attribute; speed of movement in the four stairwells; evacuees' subjective assessment of PLM signage
- Abstract
- A field study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a number of different photoluminescent material (PLM) stairwell installations as a safety wayguidance system to support office occupant evacuation. Four identical stairwells were used in the experiment. Video cameras and a questionnaire were used to gather data on the movement time and behaviour of evacuees, their feelings of comfort and safety in the stairwell, and their overall appreciation of the PLM wayguidance emergency evacuation system.