- Author
- Swedish National Testing and Research Institute
- Title
- Certifieringsregler for P-markning av svarantandliga material SPCR 018. [Certification Rules for P-Marking of Materials Deemed as "Hard to Ignite".]
- Coporate
- Swedish National Testing and Research Inst., Boras, Sweden
- Report
- SP Report 1993:63, 1993, 21 p.
- Keywords
- certification | quality control
- Identifiers
- P-marking; "materials hard to ignite"; requirements
- Abstract
- Products can be certified for P-marking by the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (SP). Issue of the approval certificate is subject to establishment that the product meets the requirements of relevant standards, regulations etc., and that the manufactuerer, importer or distributor operates an approved inspection and quality control procedure. This report sets out the requirements for certification and quality control and technical requirements. The technical requirements of "materials hard to ignite" are verified by testing according to method SS 65 00 82 and SS 02 48 21. The requirements are based on evaluation criteria in Boverkets Allmanna rad 1993:2 (Guidance Document for Approvals, issued by the Swedish Building Authority). This means that certified product meet the requirements in Boverkets Byggregler-94 (The Swedish Building Code) for "materials hard to ignite". Continuous quality control comprises internal quality control and supervisory control. The internal quality control is to be carried out by the manufacturer, importer or distributor and comprises acceptance control of finished units. The supervisory control is performed by SP as inspection of the internal quality control at the plant and/or at locations for import or distribution.