FireDOC Search

Mutani, G.
Model to Improve People Safety in Buildings.
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Book or Conf
Fire Safety in Buildings. Forum 2001 Symposium. Forum for International Cooperation on Fire Research. Proceedings. October 23, 2001, Milan, Italy, Fiameni, C.; Gallina, G., Editors, 115-127 p., 2001
fire safety | human beings | evacuation | fire models | mathematical models | human behavior | people movement | oxygen consumption | fire tests | field tests | emergencies
theoretical law; energy-pressure correlation; relationships between energy expense, work produced and oxygen consumption; procedure of measurement; report table to collect people data; results of laboratory tests for flat runs in oxygen debt phase; results of laboratory tests for runs with slope of 22% in the oxygen debt phase; results of field tests in the oxygen debt and recovery of the oxygen debt phases; energy expense and pressure loss in different ways in the oxygen debt phase