- Author
- Fingas, M. F. | Li, K. | Ackerman, F. | Bissonnette, M. C. | Lambert, P. | Nelson, R. | Halley, G. | Campagna, P. R. | Laroche, N. | Jokuty, P. | Turpin, R. D. | Trespalacios, M. J. | Belanger, J. | Vanderkooy, N. | Tennyson, E. J. | Aurand, D. | Hiltrabrand, R.
- Title
- Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment: NOBE.
- Coporate
- Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, NJ Roy F. Weston/REAC, Edison, NJ Canmar/Amoco Canada, Calgary, Alberta Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA Marine Spill Response Corp., Washington, DC Coast Guard, Groton, CT
- Report
- NIST SP 867; NIST SP 995; Volume 2, August 1994; March 2003,
- Distribution
- Available from Government Printing Office Available from National Technical Information Service
- Book or Conf
- National Institute of Standards and Technology and Minerals Management Service. In Situ Burning Oil Spill. Proceedings. January 26-28, 1994, Orlando, FL, Jason, N. H., Editors, 63-70 p., ['1994', '2003']
- Keywords
- in situ burning | oil spills | experiments | sampling | temperature | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons | combustion gases | metals | dioxins
- Identifiers
- Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment (NOBE); dibenzofurans